If you have prepared your design electronically, then the easiest way to submit it is by email to your sales contact.
We prepare your production-ready design files using Adobe Illustrator, so that is our preferred format. However, we can accept other vector format files as well. If vector format files are not available, we can also accept raster (bitmap) files if the quality is acceptable for production.

Acceptable raster files for production are at minimum 150 dpi when sized to fit your design and saved with a transparent background.
Many other factors can influence the quality of the file, and since our goal is to produce the highest print quality, we are happy to review your files and check if they are production quality.

Images and files taken from the internet are usually low resolution and not acceptable for production.
However, if it is a sponsors logo, you should contact them directly and request a vector version. Most sponsors and business have a vector version of their logo available, and by providing it to us, you assure the best representation of their brand in your design.

We can produce designs that include photographs, but it is important that the file is at minimum 150 dpi when at the actual size needed for production.
If the file is too large to email, just let us know and will provide instructions on how to send it.

You must have permission to use a Registered or Trademarked logo as well as Copyrighted photographs from its owner.